Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Martine Luther King Day

Okay... I have a little beef I want to put out there. If you look back on my blog to November you will see what happened at our school on Veteran's Day. What I want to know is, why is that day not as important as Martin Luther King Day? I understand that this is an important day. I respect the man who opened the white man's eyes and gave the black people the courage to demand for themselves, the rights they deserve. But why allow this day to be observed and not also a day that celebrates the people who are serving our country, the men and women who help/have helped shape our great country, and all those wonderful people who aid us in our daily freedoms. Why? I'm just in awe at our school system.


Paul Train said...

I love you my sweet, but don't get me started. It isn't just the school systems that are messed up, and that is all I have to say about that.

Love, Dad

rainstorm said...

Thanks Dad, I just needed to let off some steam. I am a little bit passionate about what type of signals we are sending our children. I love my kids, that is why these things bug me.

Merrimom said...

This is a good way to let off some steam. I've come to realize, unfortunately, that life just isn't and pretty much won't be very fair when it comes to a lot of these things. The same sorts of things bother me too, but luckily for us here, our schools honor a lot of the holidays. Veterans day should be honored everywhere for sure!

karen said...

I think its just the springs. We have had all the holiday's up here. Johns work doenst get them off which he doesnt understand either but thats the way it goes. Have a good day.

rainstorm said...

You may have a point Karen, but I think it is more specific to our district.

We are the closest to Peterson A.F. Base which doesn't make since. I think they are just being master manipulators, they want certain days off, you know. It may not have anything to do with the reason for the holiday, but more of which days for those months they want off. I know they could need more days for snow days, so they chose their easiest sacrifice.

Merri, I'm glad I'm not alone ;)

Paul Train said...

In my experience with life I have come to the conclusion that life is totally fair, we reap what we sow. It is greedy people that make life seem unfair to those who think it is life that is unfair. We can't always reap what we sow because of greedy people, not life.

See you got me started after all.

I love you Joyce, Dad

Paul Train said...

I was here today because I love you Joyce Katie.


rainstorm said...


That is a good way of looking at the "Life is not fair" bit but, can I just REAP a little bit more,PLEASE? Sometimes the reaping and sowing is a bit one sided, it seams. Ha Ha Ha! Just joking, I feel really blessed, I have nothing to complain about, I was just making a funny. Have a happy and blessed day. HUGS,

Paul Train said...

Hi sweetie, I'm late today.

Love and huggs,

Paul Train said...

May God bless you always my love.

Love, Dad

Paul Train said...

I was just thinking, 'NewGirlHere' fits quite well, as you are my youngest, the last from my loins.

Love you, Dad

Jenn said...

Hmmm... we got both off school here, but Mark didn't get either off work, LOL!

Paul Train said...

Hi there Joycie, me loves you.

Love & kisses, Dad

Paul Train said...

Savannah (youngest granddaughter here with us) had to be to school early today. When I got back to the farm, took Shane (the youngest grandson here with us) to school, then Mary to work with a couple of stops on the way for her client. Just got back to the barn now.

Love huggs & Kisses, Dad

Paul Train said...

Nothing new today. I love you as always, Dad

Paul Train said...
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Paul Train said...

Was here, love, Dad

Paul Train said...

Less than three months till Joyce Kathryn Marie Day. Love, Dad

Paul Train said...

Personaly I think Veterns day should be more importent than it seems to be to some people.

I love you Joyce, Dad

Paul Train said...

Hello, love you, Dad

Paul Train said...

If you give up because of one or two or a series of bad harvests, you will never get anywere. That is life, and I think it is fair. Even with less trees than we started with, we had more apples this season than any previous year since we have been here, and they are rotting on the ground because we couldn't been able to keep up with the harvest.

Love you, Dad

Jenn said...

It's so cute how your dad uses this as a place to chat with you. I haven't had an email from you, and the email addy I had for you is still returning stuff to me. Did anyone else give you my blog link? I'd be more than happy to have ya' stop by!

rainstorm said...

My Daddy is a sweetheart, I do admit. I guess you do have the old e-mail. Our internet service was bought out by Comcast, about a year ago. Since then, they have been delivering my mail from the old address, but they've just recently quit. The good thing about that is the decrease of junk-mail. I used to get so much that I didn't like checking it, up to 50 a day sometimes.Wouldn't that make you mad?

rainstorm said...

I'm sorry I haven't been in here much in the past week. For most of this time I have been busy, but then I hurt my foot and have been laid up on the family-room couch for the past few days.Ouch! Willow has been my little nurse. Lucky girl has had the last two days off of school, too bad she's had to take care of me. This is the first time I have ever hurt myself enough to be taken down :( I can't walk, let alone drive.

Paul Train said...

I know how it is my love, it is good to be busy, but you are not to hurt yourself, that's not good.
Love you, Dad

Jenn said...

Yeah, I guess I do. If I used the same address, but with Comcast, would that work? Off to try it...

rainstorm said...

That won't work Jenn. It is all different. I will write you so you can have it. Let me know if it works.

Paul Train said...
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Paul Train said...

Love you Joyce, Dad