Friday, February 1, 2008

Full of Heart

Can you see the HEART? This was our family time we had on the 19th. We have this great park real close to our house, which we chose for our project. We voted on a word to write in the newly fallen snow, but we were being beaten by the sundown, it was stealing all of our light. What we made instead of words was this giant heart. The gaol was to give the traffic and neighbors some type of meaningful, inspiring , thought provoking message, from the whatever it was that we chose to write. Some of the words that we all had to vote on were: JOY, LOVE, FAMILY and FRIENDS, FUN, FAMILY FUN, and LIFE IS GREAT. Which one would you vote on? I'll tell you the one we picked when a few of you have decided on your fave.

Mother and Daughter angels. I do believe she is more of an angle than I am ;)


Paul Train said...

All the words are good, I would have voted for 'Love'. In the Bible it is written that God is Love, also that word is Love.

As always, I love you, Dad

karen said...


Paul Train said...

We are all God's family, He started us all when he made Adam and Eve.

Paul Train said...

By the way, the heart is great. Love you, Dad

rainstorm said...

By the way I thought you should know my foot is healing quite well. I actually drove today for the first time since Tuesday. It feels good to be up and about. I had a mean case of cabin fever and was even willing to go to the LDS Chapter And Verse in slippers Friday night, just to get out of the house. The sad thing is I couldn't even fit my foot in my own slipper so I was wearing my husband's size 13's. What a goof! By Saturday I forced my tinnies on, and at church I wore my fancy flip-flops. Today I only have a little bit of swelling and the bruises are even fading.YEAH for ME!

Jenn said...

That's so cute. What happened to your foot?

Paul Train said...

Yah, You never did say what happened to your foot, just that you hurt it. I love you, your Dad

Paul Train said...

Happy you're out and about and feeling better. Much love, Dad

Merrimom said...

I love your idea about putting a thought provoking message where others can see it! I like all of the ideas, but I would probably have voted for the Family Fun phrase. The heart is so great though!

rainstorm said...

I was crossing the street with Willow, when from out of nowhere a car screeched from around the corner. I was able to get her safely to the curb but my foot, on the other hand didn't catch the curb right and...

rainstorm said...

What a LIE!

I wish I had a courageous explanation of how I hurt my foot but the truth is I hurt it trying, with all my strength, to push the drifting slats in my poorly installed kitchen floor, back together. The silly thing is I have successfully done this hundreds of times before. The cracks bug the heck out of me.Just so you know we have a Pergo type flooring without a transition piece between the wood and the carpet.This doesn't give it anything to brace it and keep it in place. Oh and yes, Tracy and I along with Gabi and Aaron installed the floor about a year or so ago.