Friday, February 22, 2008

City Dwellers

I was on my way into the town when these deer came walking across the street right in front of the cars. The traffic was stopped for a few minutes so I snapped the shots. This is on my street but about fifteen blocks into town. There were about six or seven of them and even the babies were at least 200 lbs.


Paul Train said...

They don't stay in the city, they are just passing through. Great pictures. Love, Dad

Jenn said...

How fun!

rainstorm said...

These deer actually do live in town. They live in the area that is like a mountain but still in the middle of the city. Trust me they are permanent residents of the area. I guess it's because of the quick growth and the safety they have staying in town. I noticed today that they even have a deer crossing sign not five houses down from the one in the picture. It is quite funny.