Friday, October 26, 2007

My Honey who was supposed to be home yesterday, is now finally home. I have missed him so much. Today I found out why Heavenly Father's plan included families set up with a husband, wife, and children too. Life without Tracy was especially hard while I was trying to surprise him by working on putting up part of our fence, with only my twelve year old son to help. If only we had a dollar for every time I said the words "son could you please focus and do what I asked you to do" or " where is your dad when we need him". Actually the latter of the two were the first words out of my daughters mouth when she first saw the project we were undertaking. She had been at school while Storm had the day off and was trying to help me. I'm sure if our neighbors had the thought to record our adventure they could make a lot of money off of our foolishness and the ridiculous attempt we made. From our freak-out over the very large spider that crept out onto the board we were screwing up, to the cross-board we cut a half inch too short but I insisted that we still use because of a shortage of boards. After many, many drops from my boy it wound up being rigged in such a way as to make McGuiver ashamed with us. To top it all off, our friends drill we had borrowed last week for another project, ran out of juice. So we had no choice but to pack it all in. We don't even have much to show for all this "HARD WORK" but, four cross-boards in place and about eight fence boards up. All this in order for my Heavenly Father to humble me and to remind me that no matter how hard I try to do things without my husband's help, I am still a woman and in trying to do such things without him, I will no doubt make a fool of myself and regret my efforts completely. I must say in man's defense, no matter how hard some women try to say, we can do anything without them, they are sorely wrong, as was confirmed today when I found out, it helps to have them around. And if they're not there when you try to do something difficult, you could always blame the mess on them, because after all... they weren't there to help you, when you needed them :)


Paul Train said...

To my youngist daughter, I was here.

Paul Train said...


rainstorm said...

Yah? My DADDY was here to see me. So how did you like the pictures? Isn't my family BEAUTIFUL? I bet it was hard to remember what we all look like because it has been forever since we last saw you guys. Please feel free to come back to see me. I'll update the pictures now that I know what I'm doing. I sure do love you. That was so nice of you to do all that in order to see me.

Paul Train said...
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Paul Train said...

Well I found the third part about the 'dream', the part about the lottery ticket.