Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Monday- Blaaaaah!

Oh my goodness, Mondays are my immobile days. I don't get anything done and I seem to have a sort of depression looming over me. Why cant I be active on Monday? This might be answered by the fact that I can't seem to go to bed at a good time on Sunday. I'm always fighting to hold on to those weekends. Now if I didn't go to bed until 3:30am and had to get up to get the kids off to school by 6:50am then I wouldn't have to take a nap when I get home. Yesterday's nap was nice and long and I wasn't out of bed until 1:00pm. Being a lump takes a lot out of you so I lounged and watched Breakfast at Tiffany's for the first time, oh and Singin' in the Rain. They were both great ones. I also caught Dancing With The Stars, on TV, something I never watch but I knew if I were patient I would get to see The Bachelor. Man, what a Monday!

... and riffling through the contents of the broken canister I could immediately tell this was definitely trash that the pilot had ejected in order to keep his load light for the trip into space. The strange thing that I now realize is, that they had better have a nice bathroom in that ship, because of the 64oz. Big Gulp cup and snicker bar wrapper I found in it's refuge. The truly sad, sad thing that he had thrown away, was something that would become a blessing for the dream me. This something really got my attention. He accidentally threw out...

Find the rest somewhere else on my blog ;) This is my way of making you feel the suspense of the dream. Confused about what I could be talking about, then go to the last blogs comments and start there. You are on a story scavenger hunt about a dream I had this morning.


Paul Train said...

The scavenger hunt is done, just proving that you are as nuts as I am, but I will always love you, your Dad

rainstorm said...

It's a good thing somebody loves me, that's a hard yet respectable job "SMILES". Did you buy your tickets yet? I did tuesday and won $20. That was a nice reward for fallowing a dream. He He He! If you know of a convenient store that has anything to do with a rocket or space, then get it there. Maybe the dream was for you and I am the pilot. Wow! wouldn't that be cool?

Paul Train said...

Mary Mom gets her tickets at Bill's Market just down the road from here. I have never bought a lottery ticket myself that I can remember.

Paul Train said...

The last time I had a dream about flying, it was like 'Chitty Chitty Bang Bang' but it was a 1957 Ford Pick-up instead of a car.

Paul Train said...

Or maybe like the flying car in 'Flubber', but the pick-up truck instead of a car, and I drove and flew it instead of the professor. Nancy was the girl in my dream, and I still lived on Bodega Avenue in Sebastopol. It has been about 16 years since I had that dream, and I can still see the bright shinny red 1957 Ford pick-up, in my memory, and flying through the clouds in the sky.

Paul Train said...

Here thinking of you. Matt was over, and I showed him your pictures. Love, Dad

rainstorm said...

"Flubber"? Huh. That would be a cool dream, to be able to fly your car in the clouds, AWESOME! Was Nancy your speed bump wife?

Did you have a nice visit with Matt? I thought you said he was moving into the little house. So what did Matt say about the pictures? Did he think I look like grandma?

YOU never bought any tickets did you? I won another $16 on Powerball. I bought those tickets with the money from the winning scratcher. That was fun to actually win something even though it wasn't much.

rainstorm said...

You could always put a picture of him and his family on here. I would love to see him.